Monday 24 November 2014

Storyboard for the opening of In Thus Life

The photograph of the first six shots/scenes of the opening
to the film- In Thus Life.
As from the first shot/scene, we will be filming on the location
of Tupton Bridge then Holmgate Park, by using the following shots of
establishing shot, mid-shot, close-up and long-shots.
The Mise-en-scene, the first character that will be seen in the first
moments of the thriller will be dressed in casual clothing and the character
that appears in the six shot/scene of the opening will be dressed in
a dark robe with a ghoul's facemask. 

These seven to twelve shots/scenes of the following part
to the opening, will have the character that appeared in
the sixth shot/scene of the first storyboard part of the thriller.
The locations for these parts will be in a dark atmospheric area then goes back to
the Tupton Bridge.  

These shots/scenes of the following part to the opening, shows
a memory of the main male character has he is having a flashback to one of his
past memories. Showing him walking down a path to school's bus park and seeing a
friendly face. The location for the shots/scenes is a school's Bus park and
the tree which is in the Park. The costumes for the characters in these part of the opening
to the thriller is the female dressing in casual, school-like clothing and the male in
casual clothing too. The antagonist will be dressed in their dark robe with the ghoul's facemask.

In these photographs shows the storyboard for the thriller, as we have visual planned how the opening to the thriller would look like if my team decided to use these storyboard for the final thriller opening.
As for the beginning we planned to tell the story of our thriller for showing the end of the thriller to the audience that the main male character will die at the end but then show the start of the beginning of how the male character will die and the reason why he will be killed.
We thought that the way of starting the opening to the thriller is better than just showing the opening like most of the majority of films start, as this will make the audience watch the thriller as they will know the final outcome at the end of the thriller that the main male character will die at the end. This will make the audience be more interested in watching the thriller as the audience will want to find the reason why will the main male character will die at the end of the thriller.
Done By Shaun Hardwick

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