What is a thriller?
A thriller is a board genre of literature, film, gaming and television.
It includes numerous often overlapping sub - genres.
The ingredients to make a thriller successful:
- fast paced
- frequent action
- resourceful heroes, who must thwart the plans of more powerful and better equipped villains
Literary devices that used within thrillers:
Red herrings
Cliff - hangers
Cheap surprise
False ending
Make the thriller personal
Theatre of the mind
Different types of thrillers:
- Spy thriller - Horror thriller
- Political thriller - Erotic thriller
- Military thriller - Disaster thriller
- Forensic thriller - Crime thriller
- Conspiracy thriller - Legal thriller
- Medical thriller
- Psychological thriller
Characteristics of a Thriller:
Thrillers often overlap with mystery stories, but are distinguished by the structure of their plots. In a thriller, the hero must thwart the plans of an enemy rather than uncover a crime that has already happened.
Thrillers occur on a much grander scale.
Standard plots elements including a sense of jeopardy and violent confrontations.
In the original thrillers, there is always a Protagonist and Antagonist (Good versus Evil), however in today's thrillers, this wasn't used as in these thrillers; a new term is used " Levi Straves".
Some examples are now used in some thrillers:
- Individual versus Origination
- City Dweller versus Country Villagers
- Weak versus Powerful
- Living versus The Dead
In most thrillers towards the ending of the film a climax occurs, as this will lead to further future films to continue the story of the first film. Such as will the Antagonist's son will seek revenge of the Protagonist.
Most thrillers take place within foreign cities, deserts, churches, subways, polar regions, high seas and a forest or wood.
Taken is an English-language French Thriller, as the plot behind the film is that a cop, who's lost his job has to go to France to find his kidnapped daughter and kill the people, who took her.
This film is a conspiracy thriller, as the father is the "individual" who fights against a large origination of people, who kidnaps young girls especially daughters and sell them for money and pleasure. As well as this film was also a Forensic thriller as the father was a nearly retired CIA agent. The characteristics of this film is that the thriller is moving at a fast-paced to keep the audience interested with the movie, also has standard plot's elements of jeopardy and violent confrontations. Furthermore, "Taken" is mostly set within Paris, France however some of the filming is done in Los Angeles, USA. In additional, the thriller has the correct ingredients of a thriller such as "Taken" has a resourceful hero which is "Liam Neeson", who thwarts to find his daughter and stop the kidnappers from taking anymore young girls.
Including the film is set out to make the thriller personal, as the story is based on a family trying to find their kidnapped daughter. As a result, the film "Taken" received " 7.9 out of 10" - ( this statement was taken from the IMDb film review of Taken) and was a successful thriller in the year 2008.
In my main tasks
I have to create an opening to a new fiction film thriller. In group's choice, we will make a psychological/horror thriller, the opening to this new film has to be a maximum of two minutes long.
The planning is worth 20 marks.
The filming is worth 40 marks.
The evaluation of the film is worth 20 marks.
So the opening of the film in total is worth 80 marks.
- Animation
- Evaluation of the thriller
- Footage of thriller
- Post-Production what is it
- Practice for the thriller
- Preliminary Task
- Research and Planning
- Research and Planning - Academic Theories
- Research and Planning - Audience
- Research and Planning - Codes and Conventional Features
- Research and Planning - Institution
- Research and Planning- Moving image
- Script for Thriller
- Task Exercise
- Textual Analysis of Films
- The storyboard of preliminary task
- Welcome
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